We phoned the plumber this morning. I think French plumbers go to the same school as British plumbers. They could no longer come today, how about tomorrow?!?
We have a new guidebook - the new Michel Piola The Aiguilles Rouge (English version) - so we looked for something reasonably short for our first day in Chamonix...
It wasn't raining, but I was feeling cold and I didn't want to venture high. I wanted to avoid the potential crowds (!) on low-lying Lakeland rock and so I decided that we should head east to Yorkshire. I like the area near Austwick, so Pete picked a new venue for us - Pot Scar...
The weather didn't look so great on Sunday morning when we eventually got out of bed. The 'A' Team at Grange were off to Black Crag, but we thought the rain was imminent, so we chose a very unusual activity for us - a walk...
On our rainy day I spotted a Lundy Letterboxing clue pack in the shop ... a way to turn a wet day getting bored and festering in the hut into an outdoor, all-weather, adventure...
The forecast was right - it was raining. So, with a leisurely start to the day, a cooked breakfast, and a bit of festering later, we noticed the skies were clearing and we decided to visit the Windermere Airshow...