
From Mini New Year Break in Chamonix

From Lake District Rock Wins at Banff

From A Chamonix Painting Expedition

From Lakeland is Beautiful

From September Sunshine

From Squamish and Vancouver

From Whitehorse and Yukon Rock

From The Cirque of the Unclimbables

From Journey from the UK to Canada's Yukon
Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
The snow conditions were looking very poor in Chamonix with the endless sunshine in the Alps. The Atlantic frontal systems that should have been delivering frequent snow storms were being concentrated in to torrential rain over the north west of England. However, it still seemed like a better option than watching that endless rain in …
Lake District Rock, has won the guidebook category at the Banff Mountain festival. What a great achievement for the FRCC Guidebook Committee. Congratulations!
Time to Work Last week Ian and I went to the French Alps to get a load of apartment maintenance work done. The lounge area got a complete floor-to-ceiling paint job (there was a nasty crack in the ceiling to repair too), and Ian’s kitchen area got a new worktop… Here’s a shot of the …
The Lakes are without doubt absolutely beautiful!
Black Crag – Camless Last week my great pal Boris was visiting the Lakes and we stole a couple of days to get Boris back on the rock… On the first day we went to Wallowbarrow in the Duddon valley for a gentle reintroduction to climbing rocks. I didn’t get any pictures – it was …
After a short stay in Whitehorse it was time to catch our flight back to Vancouver and head out to Squamish.
Whitehorse is the last bit of normal civilisation we passed through on the way out the Cirque of the Unclimbables, and it feels like it, with the qualities one associates with an old style frontier town.
The much anticipated flight from Inconnu Lodge to Glacier Lake was fantastic! Although the weather was far from perfect – we flew through, or round, a number of storms.
We are finally back from our massive adventure to Canada where we visited Fairy Meadows in the Cirque of the Unclimbables to attempt one of the world’s best alpine rock climbs, the Lotus Flower Tower.