
From How about this for an ancient work venue?

From Dovedale Rock and Cake

From Another week, another Venue...

From Yet another corny venue...

From ...this week's Monument

From Westminster Backside

From Coniston Coppermines Letterboxes

From Chamonix Skiing Picture Fest!

From Lakeland Snow
Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
This week’s unusual venue for work was actually Devizes.
We met up with Paul to try out some of the routes from his Dovedale post. Although the weather, typically after having been gloriously sunny all of the working week, was a little grey and quite chilly.
This week’s weird-work-venue is this silver face. But where am I this time?
Continuing the fun little series of pictures from my various working venues of late, where do you think this one is?
This week work took me to another famous monument. But which one is it?
Work took me to an office near to Westminster Abbey last week.
Despite the rapid approach of spring, and although it was dry (not raining), it wasn’t a day for rock climbing. But it was definitely a day to get out and enjoy the Lakeland fells
The highlight of the week was when Dean & Dave overlapped their week's skiing with the end of ours and we joined up for a weekend of fun that ended with a descent of the Vallee Blanche...
Richard and Ali came over to the Lakes this weekend... Snow was forecast, yet Saturday morning dawned cold and clear, though that didn't last long.