Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
At last, after nearly four weeks my heel has recovered enough from an embarrassing injury caused by running across the road in Carlisle trying to catch a train home! So today we went for a run - well more of a jog, or perhaps a fast walk - to get back in to our fell running training...
So far so good, all six eggs have hatched and survived their first few days!
Looks like summer has ended and the monsoon seasons is just ramping up!
Our resident Blue Tit has finished laying her eggs now, she has six!
The Spanish weather continues!
The fantastic weather continues - another sunny day at Quayfoot Buttress in Borrowdale on Tuesday, then yet another for Wednesday and White Ghyll in Langdale...
The rock climbing and (mostly) the gardening meant we needed a rest day - our hands and backs were wrecked! Of course a rest day didn't mean a day of idleness...
Our resident Blue Tit has finished her frantic nest building activities. She lined the nest with fluffy little feathers, and then before we knew it...