Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
I'm not sure how long the 24 hour daylight lasts at Haley 6 and if there will be any darkness before Ian returns from Antartica? If so, I wonder if we'll get any aurora shots from his trip to Antarctica?
Yet another year of adventuring is drawing closed. But, spring isn't that far away and the rock climbing shoes can come out again soon! For now though, here are my highlights of the 2010 blogging year...
The glorious winter weather held on for Xmas...
After a lovely meal at the Eagle & Child on Saturday evening (accompanied by not too few beers!) Sunday morning was slow to start...
Nothing rude, just a little [glossary “train-spotting”]ferroequinology[/glossary] interest for train geeks from Carlisle station today…
It’s that time in the annual adventuring calendar again – the Kendal Mountain Festival (nee Kendal Film Festival).
The editor and the Climbers' Club invite you and a guest to the Caban, Pen-y-Pass Cafe on Saturday 6 November 2010 from 7.00pm...
A Climbers' Club Publication Sub Committee meeting took me to Wales this weekend...
Laetitia was tired from her week of being assessed; that's my excuse for a weekend of fun but modest rock climbing. But it was wonderful to be out enjoying the warm autumn sunshine...