Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
Yet another year is nearly over, and it's been a really wet year too - November saw record rainfall and devastating floods in Cumbria ... but the blog is another year old; a grand old age of four!
Laetitia had invited Tut Braithwaite to speak at the Climbers' Club Welsh guidebook centenary celebration earlier this year ... as a thank-you for his part in that great weekend's celebrations he invited Laetitia as the CC guest at the Alpine Club's AGM and annual dinner...
Despite the amazingly bad weather the Kendal Mountain Festival went ahead and was as massive, amazing and entertaining as usual...
We're in Chamonix to get our annual lift passes; a significant saving is to be had, but as is typical for France there's a series of hoops to jump through to qualify...
So what of the Tory plans to repeal the law banning fox hunting with dogs should they be elected to government next year? This is probably what we might call a broken law - it's extremely difficult to enforce because it's just too easy for hunts to present that a fox was accidentally killed by their pack of hounds whilst engaged in a legal drag-hunt. Therefore the police simply don't bother enforcing it.
Paul and I met in Settle for breakfast at the Ye Olde Naked Man Cafe. After we'd paid, Paul pointed out how the place had got it's name - I'd been stripped bare...
We forgot the camera today! However, I've recycled a picture from a previous trip to Warton Quarry to show today's adventure; Terminal Trajectory...
Following on from Rebecca and Mina's visit to the Lakes, the kats made a return trip to Germany this September...
Not a lot to say about this one really, but it made me laugh out loud so I thought it was worth sharing…