Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
After a little debate about where to go, some faffing packing up our decorating clothes, and a short wait for the birthday-boy Boris to arrive, we decided to head off for the Peak's premier gritstone crag - Stanage...
Yesterday we had an impossibly pedantic meeting at work where a "security expert" explained what testing needed to be completed to gain a given level of accreditation...
I had thought that the wetness of last year’s August weather could not be beaten, we had 199.8 mm of rain in August last year. But it can be, this year we’ve had a staggering 212.4 mm in August!
Hey guys, is this one for you? We think you should go for it!
The climbing wall at Ratho (the EICA; Edinburugh International Climbing Arena) has got to be the biggest climbing wall I've ever seen! It has almost the same ability to intimidate as a real crag...
One evening earlier during my working stay in Livingston - on a visit to the Ratho climbing centre - I'd spotted the famous Forth rail bridge on the horizon. That'll be worth a visit I thought, and it's only 10 miles away with the added bonus of including a trip to the seaside...
Working just outside Edinburgh (Livingston) I've gotten hold of a copy of the Lowland Outcrops SMC guidebook and have been looking for after-work cragging entertainment...
Our "summer" holiday this year was to join the CC meet to Lundy. What an amazing place...
Stuck up near Edinburgh with work (which – BTW – sucks! 😉 ) I’ve been looking for ways to occupy myself and take advantage of the long Scottish summer evenings…