• From Leonidio - under new Covid-19 restrictions ...

  • From Kendal Mountain Festival 2021

  • From Coniston Coppermines

  • From Great Glen Canoe Trail

  • From Scottish West Coast Staycation

  • From A Cornish Lockdown Release

  • From VW California Leisure Battery Replacement

  • From Moroccan Rock

  • From More skiing - off-piste, touring, and powder bashing...

Author: Pete

Founder of Sterling Adventures!

Leonidio – under new Covid-19 restrictions …

Back in September we got super excited at the prospect of our first foreign travel trip since the Covid pandemic brought travel to its knees, and we’d booked ourselves on our first post-lockdown trip abroad … to the Moroccan Anti-Atlas mountains in early December for 10 days of glorious trad climbing before Xmas. Then, with

Scottish West Coast Staycation

One positive, if such thing makes any sense, from Covid-19 is that many people have discovered just how amazing parts of the UK are! Is there really any need to fly to far flung parts for our holidays every year? Well, I guess climbers always knew this as we spend every weekend, holiday day, etc.

A Cornish Lockdown Release

Well, thanks to Covid 19 it’s a over a year since we’ve managed to get away. But everything comes to an end and true enough a gradual relaxation of lockdown rules has finally allowed us to venture away from our base in the Lakes… Sure, we are fortunate enough to live in the Lake District