Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
Col Cornu, a (mini) Ski Tour
After yesterday's efforts our leg muscles were knackered. Well Laetitia's and mine were. Actually if the truth be told, mostly just mine! And as Dave reported almost no aches and pains, it seems that it's true that skiing makes higher demands on the thigh muscles than snowboarding? Anyway, all of this led us to turn to the idea of enjoying some piste skiing to save ourselves from more punishment...
Crochues-Bérard Traverse
A Message from the Isle of Man…
Not an adventure, but I think it is a funny cartoon clipping sent by Caroline all the way from the Isle of Man. Well worthy of posting to hopefully add a little cheer whilst it rains (and rains)…
Jack’s Rake Langdale
North Face Trail, Grizedale Forest
The Blog’s Two Years Old
The first post on the Sterling Adventures Blog was created two years ago on 28th December 2005. Although the web site itself was only launched in March 2006. So, a bit like the Queen, we have two birthdays – 28th December and 16th March. Whatever the exact date, back when the blog was conceived the …
A First Class Murder
A Kat for Xmas…
Here's a Xmas present for all of the blog's "cat fans", cute or what!
The fiercest, cutest cat ever to terrorize your mouse pointer...