Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
Here's a Xmas present for all of the blog's "cat fans", cute or what!
The fiercest, cutest cat ever to terrorize your mouse pointer...
Laetitia went out shopping with her sisters today leaving me to get up to my own mischief! Silly me, I chose to go for a ride up Kentmere on my bike...
We are lucky to be able to help out at the annual Kendal Mountain (Film) Festival. We don't have difficult jobs - door staff checking people's tickets and other easy stuff like that. But we do enjoy the event enormously and get a privileged opportunity to see all the movies...
ISPs are short selling us (or at least hiding behind the term "up to")! Do you think you have an "up to" 2mbs broadband service from your ISP? Fact is, you probably don't...
It will probably have melted by the time you get to look 🙁 at this webcam from Place Balmat, but today there has been some fresh snow in Chamonix centre, and the forecast says there’ll be more overnight! Obviously it snows in Chamonix’s high mountains all year, but it gets quite exciting when the first …
Terry has been to Jack Scout crag before and it seemed like a good venue following the fireworks and booze of the night before...
Our firework party is an annual event...
The BBC weather forecasters had said it would rain heavily on Sunday, but as seems usual they got it wrong for Cumbria. Instead what they meant was it would rain in London and that the band of rain would have passed through Cumbria the night before...
Being a bit (okay, a lot) of a grown-up kid, I planted a load of sunflower seeds this summer...