
From Frozen Solid

From The End of the Line
Author: Pete
Founder of Sterling Adventures!
Check out the ice on Laetitia's jacket. Then take a look at the quickdraw; frozen solid!
We headed up the David Thomson Highway to check out 'Nothing But the Breast', but as our luck would have it, there was a party already on the route. Knowing the misery of climbing behind others and being bombarded by falling ice we choose to move on and try 'The End of the Line'.
How much is possible in just one weekend? Well, partly thanks to cheap flights a weekend in the Alps is possible. But what about redecorating a flat and going on a long ski tour all day Saturday too?
This boot is all we found from the last party brave enough to traverse the mine that stretches out through endless darkness beneath the Moelwyn mountains!
This week saw the first summer weather! High pressure with sunny blue skies, the only thing missing was the warmth! I've even noticed trees are budding and have heard that some roses are blooming.
So, what do four slightly crazy rock climbers (Ian, Anna, Laetitia and Pete) do on the first days of the 'summer' rock climbing season?
Celebrating the accord between the Climbers' Club and the Wayfarers' Club that allows both clubs to share huts, a joint meet is held each year alternating between the Lakes and Wales.
Our first ever proper ski tour!
We finally found some ice!
Trying out our new ski touring equipment, we made a trip to Contamine.