My body clock told me I should be climbing ice but, for one reason or another, here we were at Calpe with Ernie, half the FRCC and Terry Gifford not too far away...
Terry and Vikki, together with Everett and Lucille from Canmore (Canada) met up to climb in El Potrero Chico near Monterrey in Mexico at the end of November, a time when the weather is particularly amenable to rock climbing around there...
After a sedentary weekend at the Kendal Film Festival, I felt the urge for a good 'blast' on Tuesday. Nothing too far away, with the short days, and Longsleddale came to mind...
The boulderers tell us that zero deg C is best for friction. Well, although Tuesday dawned beautiful and clear, it was in fact fffreezing, with a wind chill too. So, maybe Windgather wasn't a good choice...
Sunday morning was so wet in Ormskirk that Chris and I called off our trip to the Lakes. My powers of alchemy, over the weather, were obviously failing (like everything else!). Then, by late morning, we saw the fine weather further north...