We always reckon February is the best month to ski in the Alps … it has perhaps the best chance of fresh powder and soft snow, slightly longer days, and a fair chance of sunshine kissed weather! However, we last skied in France in February 2020, just before the Covid pandemic took the world into a tail-spin of lockdowns and travel restrictions. Thankfully though, after a knee-jerk ban on travel from the UK in late 2021 in response to the Omicron variant spreading widely, France opened up for tourism – and skiing – just in time for our February 2022 ski. Not so bad, we only missed one ski season.
During the closure the Alps looked super quiet, and ski trips were being advertised at amazingly cheap rates. But, as soon as travel restriction were lifted, the prices started to go up on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis! We had to act quick, and so our favourite, Chamonix, was quickly selected for our piste (and off-piste) 2022 ski adventure…
We kicked off with a day at Les Houches to check we could remember how to ski…

The next day we went to Le Tour to remember how to ski off-piste…

Then it was time to get away from it all and go “over the back” with the Crochues-Berard Traverse in the Aiguilles Rouges…

At the end of our long-week we overlapped with Saskia and Nick for a couple of days of ski fun. We even took them down what I think was possibly their first ever black ski run! Woo hoo! Plus, it’s always great to enjoy a bit of apres ski…