Category: Adventure
Adventures not covered by other, more specific, categories.
The weekend of climbing, caving, BBQ'ing, and celebrating (complete with freebie Lucozade) was great fun - and so thoughts have moved on to the next rendezvous...
Having just taken my first chalet-based skiing holiday I have decided it is the way to go...
Yet another year is nearly over, and it's been a really wet year too - November saw record rainfall and devastating floods in Cumbria ... but the blog is another year old; a grand old age of four!
Having arrived in Canberra to temperatures hovering around 30 °C, after a few days we set off to the Snowy Mountains with an ascent of Mt Kosciuszco [2228m] in mind...
Richard and I enjoyed a long weekend in Stockholm, which was scheduled to coincide with a meeting that he is attending...
Climbing is dangerous? Try a walk through the Spanish countryside.
Discovery's latest adventures involve sponges and cake, but perhaps not at the same time.
Three weeks on a research ship certainly feels like an adventure to me...even if today was pretty uneventful.
We were going to Iceland, however we changed our minds at the last minute and headed to Italy instead...