Category: Ice Climbing
Ice (and mixed) climbing. The type of climbing normally done with axes and crampons.
A visit to Kong Vinter gave us a very interesting day as the temperatures rose and the ice began to crumble.
What trip to Rjukan would be complete without a trip to Krokan: 5 minute walk in downhill!
After a day honing our skiing technique at the local ski area we headed high as the temperatures were rising in the valley.
Saturday and Sunday saw us in the Rjukan lower gorge, and surprisingly virtually on our own.
Last week saw Anna, Ian, Sally and Steve camped in Rjukan.
Somehow I managed to lose my crampons on the way down from Murchisons yesterday.
Check out the ice on Laetitia's jacket. Then take a look at the quickdraw; frozen solid!
We've been after Whiteman Falls for a few years, but have been thwarted by one reason or another, but today, at last, we 'sent it'!
Tired after yesterday's efforts, Pete let me take the lead on Sunshine in the Ghost.