Category: Ice Climbing
Ice (and mixed) climbing. The type of climbing normally done with axes and crampons.
Went for a day trip up to Beinn Udlaidh yesterday with L'il Pete...
Yesterday it snowed, but today was glorious...
I got some super tasty and creamy chocolate from my Valentine. Then we went ice climbing...
Planning another early start to beat the inevitable crowds, I couldn't bring myself to stop hitting the snooze button this morning...
Went up to Shoulthwaite Gill this morning, with the intention of having a look at it and soloing it if it looked reasonable.
Popped in to see Li'l Pete after work this evening...
I had a spare day, so when Jon phoned last night to ask if we were up for anything, I said "Of course!"
A cold and breezy day on Great End.....