Category: Climbing
Climbing – rock, ice, mountains, boulders, etc.
Sub-categorised for finer classification…
Saved by the birds!
Keeping a record…
This blog was originally imagined as way to keep in contact with friends who were thinking of leaving the UK, however, these days I use it for so much more than simply sharing adventures - in fact I use it quite literally as the founding idea of why blogs were created; a log (of whatever) on the web, a web-log...
Sunny at last!
Dolomiti: Giorno 7
Dolomiti: Giorno 6
Dolomiti: Giorno 5
Cham with my parents…
Dodging the Rain
Do two half-days equal a whole?
Saturday's weather was just about what we've come to expect in the North West this past two months, wet! Not since April has there been any meaningful nice weather. The result is that I've been getting weaker and weaker, to the point that last weekend I struggled on a F6a+. The ultimate price had to be paid...