Category: Climbing
Climbing – rock, ice, mountains, boulders, etc.
Sub-categorised for finer classification…
Tom and Jaquie came up from London on New Years Eve to stay the weekend and enjoy the snow.
A cold and breezy day on Great End.....
Went back to Blea Water today, this time with Li'l Pete, again with the intention of doing Birkett's. Got a bit closer than last time, but still failed. Third time lucky perhaps?
...a days winter climbing in the Lakes scuppered by too much snow! Shouldn't complain though, blue skies all day, light winds and the place to ourselves - apart from the very friendly/hungry robin that followed us most of the way in.
With a forecast for cold temperatures and reports of good winter climbing conditions the previous weekend, Matt and I headed north on Friday night to see what we could find.
Laetitia had invited Tut Braithwaite to speak at the Climbers' Club Welsh guidebook centenary celebration earlier this year ... as a thank-you for his part in that great weekend's celebrations he invited Laetitia as the CC guest at the Alpine Club's AGM and annual dinner...
So, after I'm not quite sure how long, the infamous 'Rubble Room' is no more. Penrith's premier bouldering venue is complete!
We're in Chamonix to get our annual lift passes; a significant saving is to be had, but as is typical for France there's a series of hoops to jump through to qualify...
Paul and I met in Settle for breakfast at the Ye Olde Naked Man Cafe. After we'd paid, Paul pointed out how the place had got it's name - I'd been stripped bare...