Category: Climbing
Climbing – rock, ice, mountains, boulders, etc.
Sub-categorised for finer classification…
Idleness dictated the Canmore Junk Yards for first day. Warm at minus 5C.
It was sunny again and quite warm (10C), but with big clouds over the Lakeland fells we decided that climbing on Pavey Ark would be very chilly...
Having played around in the ridiculous amounts of snow over Cairngorm way last weekend, this weekend we (Ian, Anna and Lil Pete) headed west
Its midweek, so Jon and I headed to Blea Water to see how the ice was building......
Terry and Bernie (or Berny in Norwegian) had an extended long weekend to impinge upon Smiler's CC meet to Rjukan...
Back in the 1970s when we were just starting to climb ice, snowy weekends were spent scouring the Peak District for frozen streams and waterfalls to practice our skills...
I remember going to the cinema when I was about 7 years old; whatever was on there was always a massive queue. In the end we were pleased just to get a seat. All of those cinema goers from my childhood turned up at Great End on Saturday............
You've got to grab the opportunity when it arises, so Jon and I took a day off work and headed up to Great End to enjoy some of the fantastic conditions.
Terry has bought some new crampons, Black Diamond Cyborgs, to try out in Rjukan tomorrow...