Category: Rock Climbing
Climbing rock (aka Free Climbing).
Another sunny day, another adventure from our new guidebook. Voie Frison-Roche on the Brevent East Face is described as THE classic of the Aiguilles Rouge, so of course, it just had to be done...
We have a new guidebook - the new Michel Piola The Aiguilles Rouge (English version) - so we looked for something reasonably short for our first day in Chamonix...
This weekend Anna and I headed to The Downes hut to meet up with friends from our old climbing club in London. Paul headed south from Barnsley and also joined us.
It wasn't raining, but I was feeling cold and I didn't want to venture high. I wanted to avoid the potential crowds (!) on low-lying Lakeland rock and so I decided that we should head east to Yorkshire. I like the area near Austwick, so Pete picked a new venue for us - Pot Scar...
Last weekend Mina and I drove to the Northern Vosgese climbing spots about an hour from our place in Karlsruhe...
Tuesday evening is normally climbing time but work and weather seem to have colluded to prevent any activity until now...
Once you start you just can't stop again. In order to check out some of the climbs for Pete and the Gang for their fall trip to the Pfalz we climbed a MUST DO route...
Our "summer" holiday this year was to join the CC meet to Lundy. What an amazing place...
The forecast was for sun, all day sun, so there was nothing for it but to go up high. We decided upon Kern Knotts...