
From Highest Point Festival

From Kendal Mountain Festival 2021

From Put it to the People March

From People's Vote March

From BMC AGM Thoughts

From The National Trust; For ever, for everyone

From Caravan, Camping, and Motorhome Show at the NEC

From Gowan Bridge - Open at Last!

From Laetitia's Birthday Party
Category: Events
Local events, for example demonstrations, carnivals, etc.
It was a few weeks ago now, but in a brief weekend of hot summer weather we were lucky enough to get to go to Lancaster’s Highest Point music festival held in Williamson Park. We (thanks to Laetitia 😉 ) also had access to the VIP area based inside the Ashton Memorial. It seemed to …
The Kendal Mountain Festival is back after a little Cv-19 break last year…
Theresa May wants a third meaningful vote on her deal in the House of Commons in case MPs can be persuaded to change their minds now that they know more. I think we deserve the same opportunity. So last Saturday saw us at the Put it to the People march in central London – following …
Saturday was a first for me, direct action, demonstrating against Brexit! So, I got off my bottom and my keyboard and put my feet where my words are and joined seven hundred thousand (700,000*) other equally frustrated anti-Brexit demonstrators in London at the People’s Vote march. #peoplesvote #stopbrexit
I’ve never written anything quite like this before so bear with me for the ride… June 2018 was a tough AGM for the BMC The BMC has been going through a tough time for the past 24 or so months and because of that the 2018 AGM, held in Kendal on 16th June, was perhaps …
The bold proclamation of the National Trust – For ever, for everyone. It sounds great doesn’t it? The thing is, having spent six months of 2017 as a NT employee, I have a worrying feeling about the organisation that has motivated me to put these words together…
We’d snagged some complimentary tickets to the Caravan, Camping, and Motorhome Show at the NEC, and all we had to do for them was promise to write a report about the show on this site. Ha, as if that wasn’t going to happen! 😉 This is exactly the sort of thing we love to write …
At Last! Gowan Bridge was officially opened today.
I thought I’d have a bit of a do for my big Five Oh. I’d planned well in advance to try and get as many of my friends and family together, so invites went out months ago. The venue was a no brainer. We have the fortune of living very close to the excellent Hawkshead …