How much is possible in just one weekend? Well, partly thanks to cheap flights a weekend in the Alps is possible. But what about redecorating a flat and going on a long ski tour all day Saturday too?
This boot is all we found from the last party brave enough to traverse the mine that stretches out through endless darkness beneath the Moelwyn mountains!
Celebrating the accord between the Climbers' Club and the Wayfarers' Club that allows both clubs to share huts, a joint meet is held each year alternating between the Lakes and Wales.
Dave finally got his second trip and training session in one of the RAF Sea King helicopters. It had taken 7 attempts to get a RAF helicopter to the Kirkby Stephen Mountain Rescue Team's base.
To round off what has been an exceptionally packed weekend of activities (although not that much climbing!), we were invited to some live music in Kirkby Stephen by our friends David and Kath.