Of course the dry weather didn't stick around. It never seems to stay that dry in the Alps, in fact I've decided that the Alps are actually a lot wetter than the Lakes! True or not, this August has been particularly wet...
After leaving Spain (see AFF here) we headed to the Alps for our summer holiday proper (I consider myself a climber first and foremost, even to the extent that when someone - anyone - asks me what I do, I answer "climb", not "work in IT").
We had planned to go to Gimmer today, but like so many a 'plan A', it was changed last minute to White Ghyll (picture right). The reason; although sunny and warm we decided it was too windy to be up high in Langdale. It was a wise choice as the wind was bitingly cold!
We gate crashed Andy and Sabiene's Kalymnos reunion party to check out the pictures from the gang's recent trip there with the aim of inspiring another trip later this year.