Category: Environment
North-west Norfolk is just a 90 minute drive from Rutland so on Saturday we visited the Norfolk coastline. We drove to Hunstanton and then got the local bus to Thornham and walked back along the beach. The beach was empty, except for the large numbers of birdwatchers. We asked one of them what they were …
Hiking over Fimmvorthuhals Pass
More wet adventures in Iceland
Sight-seeing around Iceland continued for another day, this time with visits to the Skaftafell National Park and then to Jokulsárlón. We arrived at Skaftafell to rain and fog and ‘enjoyed’ a very damp meal of sweet and sour noodles with about 50 other people under a very crowded shelter. The next morning we awoke to …
Snowy Scotland 2
Day 4. Meall Tionail On day 4, we went fellrunning from Glen Feshie with Katy and Jamie. It was Jamie’s first ever fell run and the 2 hour run quadrupled the amount of time that Jamie had ever spent running! From Glen Feshie we ran up to Meall Tionail, affectionately renamed ‘Black Toenail’ by Richard. …
Nuclear dump threatens Lakes
The BMC are encouraging their membership to stand up be counted by signing the No Nuclear Dump In The Lake District e-petition...