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If we'd had our ice axes and crampons we might have done some ice climbing, but those are still in France. Doh!
What a great day to be out!!
With fairly good snow cover continuing, Anna and I took the opportunity to grab Andy and Sabiene's neighbour Helen for a ski tour up High Pike.
Yes!! Snow... and we took a short walk up High Spy to build up an appetite for CAKE!
Recklessly we discounted the main roads and braved the icy lanes to get onto Caldbeck Common...
A cold and breezy day on Great End.....
Went back to Blea Water today, this time with Li'l Pete, again with the intention of doing Birkett's. Got a bit closer than last time, but still failed. Third time lucky perhaps?
I got up early this morning, with the intention of taking advantage of the winter climbing possibilities in the Lakes. Ended up skiing instead?! Nice.
It was a glorious day, dinner could wait, so we went for a walk.