The bbPress & WordPress User Defined Polls Plugin creates beautifully simple way for users to define their own polls for your bbPress forum postings and WordPress posts.
The screenshots below show the polls plugin in action. Only logged-in users can vote.

To create a poll in your bbPress topic or WordPress post just enter the shortcode:
[poll question="Your polling query?" options="Comma,separated,options"]
Note that each individual answer should have no more than 20 characters. For example, “20 character option?” is OK, whereas “Twenty character option?” isn’t.
There is a quicktag button in the post text editor toolbar to help create this shortcode markup. Just click the quicktag button to help create your poll. (The second options parameter is optional, omitting it out creates a simple “Yes,No” poll.)

Version History
- 5.0 Option to allow Administrators to examine votes without having voted themselves.
- 4.0 Added poll expiry dating.
- 3.2 Stopped poll button appearing for thread replies, i.e. only topics.
- 3.1 Fixed Javascript error, poll button code called before defined.
- 3.0 Customise the shortcode name to avoid clashes with other plugins.
- 2.0 Options: 1) to show voters, and 2) to show voters’ votes.
- 1.0 Initial release.