
From Shutter Renovation

From Last Day of Cragging at Gaillands

From Aiguille du Tour

From Aiguille Rouge

From Eperon Nord, North West slabs of
Aiguille du Peigne

From At last a day without paint - L'ile aux Razmokets
Series: Chamonix '12
With her keen eye for decoration Laetitia had noticed (i.e. nagged me about 😉 ) the weathered state (splitting wood and flaking paint 🙁 ) of our shutters. So, being a two-man job lifting the shutters off, and in particular back on to, their hinges I recruited a decorating professional
The morning dawned misty in the valley, so after a late breakfast of pain au chocolat and coffee in town we had a late start for a short midday session at Les Gaillands. The crag was deserted, as the holiday period was over, or was it because only English climb in the heat of the …
Usually when we’re in Chamonix, I don’t often get the opportunity to do an easy route, but with Ian supporting me we persuaded Pete to go for the easy but classic Aiguille du Tour.
While Ian and I waited for Laetitia and Astrid to finish their route on the Aiguille Rouge, sitting on a boulder chatting about this and that, we realised that within just a few metres of where we were sat was an incredible array of alpine flowers.
After the adventures of yesterday we were looking for a more relaxed day today. We headed to the top of the Index chairlift.
We left Chamonix early and arrived at the Aiguille du Plan with frost still covering the grass – the north facing cliff we’d selected for today’s adventures was going to be cold!
After what seemed like endless days of scraping, sanding, painting, and more painting of the apartment’s shutters [more on that latter with before and after pictures] Ian and I finally got out to do some climbing…