Tag: birthday
A birthday celebration etc.
Another day on the Costa Baltic......
This weekend was Arthur's 60th birthday bash!!
Pavey Ark is an amazing mountain crag - it catches every ray of sunlight going, it is sheltered from the wind (not that there was even a breath of wind today), and is made of the best and roughest of Lakeland volcanic rock...
Not that we've had 39 wig parties before....
After a little debate about where to go, some faffing packing up our decorating clothes, and a short wait for the birthday-boy Boris to arrive, we decided to head off for the Peak's premier gritstone crag - Stanage...
The forecast was for sun, all day sun, so there was nothing for it but to go up high. We decided upon Kern Knotts...
Laetitia’s birthday present this year was a bird nesting box for the garden…
Today was Chris's birthday (landlord of Hunters in Cockermouth), so we decided on an away day to Glenshee.
A birthday walk for Liz.....