Tag: blog
A topic related to blogging, specifically this blog.
2013 - another year of adventure and another year of the blog! It's a shame that many of the blog's regular authors have found themselves short of time to write a few words and share their photos...
I’ve been using some of my time recently to add a few new features to my WordPress Mapping Plugin, here’s a quick list of those features…
It seems that some people are struggling with inserting pictures in to their posts because of the new WordPress media manager. It is easier than ever, honest! Follow this easy six step process and all of your pictures will be inserted seamlessly in one fell swoop…
After another year of enthusiastic blogging here's my annual round up of a few personal favourite reports from the past twelve months. It's never easy picking out the highlights, so feel free to chastise me for missing yours. I hope these highlights help us all celebrate the blog's seventh birthday...
So, knock yourselves out, provide some location data with your posts if you want to have the venue of your latest adventures plotted on the map!
Hopefully this new bit of functionality will be a welcome feature easing the process of posting for all authors…
Yet another amazing year. A massive thank-you to all the blog's authors, comment contributors, and readers! The blog's sixth year has been as active as ever with post authors travelling far and wide...
A puzzle for you...
This blog was originally imagined as way to keep in contact with friends who were thinking of leaving the UK, however, these days I use it for so much more than simply sharing adventures - in fact I use it quite literally as the founding idea of why blogs were created; a log (of whatever) on the web, a web-log...