
From Antarctic Postcard
Tag: postcard
A greeting card from a foreign destination.
We got a postcard from Antarctica today!
We got a postcard from Antarctica today!
Some interesting post arrived today...
More postcard "kat" joking from Terry in France, at St Martin de Londres this time..
Terry’s postcard from Canada this year rightly says, “How’s this for a cat? Imagine him walking around the Grange [CC hut] car park!”
Besides reporting how enjoyable the great ice climbing conditions are, Terry’s cat postcard from La Grave muses
Terry's postcard arrived a few days ago (sorry for the delay in posting, I've been to Norwich with work this week) - the card is sporting the now traditional contemplative Kats...
Terry's famous postcard series continues, this time from the Dolomites...
It took me a few attempts to decipher Terry's handwriting in his latest postcard greeting, and then the penny dropped...